Mr. Rascher's Homework Webpage

Important Disclaimer: While every effort will be made to keep this website up-to-date and current, your primary source for homework is always your binder-reminder. If you miss a class, assignment or test, it is YOUR responsibility to consult the teacher or a friend (in the same class) for details and to see that the work is “made up” in accordance with TUSD regulations for work missed due to excused or unexcused absences.

September 2009
  First day of school Lockers Lockers Lockers
 Labor day - NO SCHOOL  President's Challenge Pre- tests Pre- tests cont. Pre - tests cont.
 Throwing/Catching Intro to Football Fitness - Mile Run Football Football
 Football Football Fitness - Strength  Football Football
 Football FootballFitness Football Football
 NO SCHOOL Soccer Fitness - Cardio